martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Best Food at Kota Kinabalu

Ikan Panggang

This is stingray, the same species that killed Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter. This fish is not a human killer in nature, but once they were killed and put on a hot grill — they taste awesome! Especially with sambal and fresh lime juice, cooked on banana leaf. Yummy to the max.

Damai Roti Kahwin

This bread has revolutionized the fate of shoplots at Damai. The kopitiam, call Foo Yuen, makes the most awesome bread in the world that it *melts* in your mouth the moment you put it in. I am having difficulty on how to put this into proper words, you have to try it yourself. Fu Yuan also takes their Teh C Ping into a whole new level. 1/2 of the drink is evaporated milk… trust me, you’ll be in heaven.

Ngiu Chap (Beef Noodle)

Can you resist beef noodle with tasty thick broth?

Sheng Rou Mian

 This dish is created for the love of pork… no, this noodle is not served with raw pork meat. I believe the original name derives from boiling the pork in hot broth before serving — thus the soft and tender thin pork slices. What makes the soup special? The minced pork lards. The dry noodle is perfect combination too. Why? You tarik the noodle once, and you quickly send down the dry noodle with soup.

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